Fees & Appointments

Hazelbrook General Practice is a mixed billing practice. However bulk billing may be offered at independent doctor’s discretion.

Patients holding a valid Centrelink Concession Card and children under 16 will be bulk billed (unless otherwise advised by your GP).

All other patients will be billed according to the fee schedule set out below.

Standard Consultations

Consultation TypeFeeMedicare RebateGap

Please note that some procedures and specialised services incur different fees and these will be advised when booking.

If you have any concerns HGP encourages you to discuss them with your doctor.

Mental Health

Some independent GPs charge privately for Mental Health Plans and there may be an out of pocket fee. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the practice.

Workers Compensation

Patients must provide a claim number each time they present for a consultation. You will be required to pay privately for the initial consult and seek reimbursement via the insurance company.

Telephone and Video

Telephone and video appointments cost the same as in-person consultations because they require the same amount of the doctor’s time. Whether your appointment is in-person or via telehealth, the independent GPs aim to provide the same level of care.

To be eligible for the Medicare rebate, Medicare requires you to have attended a consultation face to face in the last 12 months.

HGP and the independent GPs are committed to providing excellent quality clinical care that is thorough, evidence based and offers patients the time that they need with their GP. On top of this your doctor provides after hours care, home visits and many specialised areas of clinical practice. The current Medicare rebate does not cover the cost of providing a consultation and is in fact half the fee recommended by the Australian Medical Association (the formula used by the AMA to recommend consultation fees each year is designed to reflect the true cost pressures facing medical practices).

The consultation fee (of which your Medicare rebate forms just a part) covers not only the consultation and your doctors wage but the cost of employing staff, restocking supplies and running a business. Unfortunately, these costs have increased considerably over time without a concomitant increase in the rebate provided by the government.

Skin Cancer Clinic

Skin Clinic Consult Fees: Dr Graham Chaffey

Your payment is required in full at the end of the consultation. Your rebate will be reimbursed into your bank account.

Standard Skin Checks

Consultation TypeFeeMedicare RebateGap


Excision TypeFeeMedicare RebateGap
Punch BiopsyVariableVariable$30.00
Standard ExcisionVariableVariable$100.00

Fees for Pension or Concession Card Holders

Standard Skin Checks

Consultation TypeFeeMedicare RebateGap


Excision TypeFeeMedicare RebateGap
Punch BiopsyVariableVariable$00.00
Standard ExcisionVariableVariable$50.00

Our 2024 flu vaccines have arrived!
Please call the practice on 4758 6210 to book in.