Dr Graham Chaffey

Graham graduated from the University of NSW (MBBS). He participated in the Family Medicine Programme, qualifying as Fellow of the RACGP in 1995.  With 24 years of experience as a General Practitioner, he also holds a Masters in Psychological Medicine, a Diploma in Dermoscopy and is an Accredited Skin Cancer Doctor with the Skin Cancer College of Australia and New Zealand.

Graham runs our skin cancer clinic and has been involved in supervision and training of junior doctors and medical and nursing students for many years.

He offers a range of skin services:
– Skin Cancer Checks
– Monitoring of suspicious lesions when this is a safe alternative to immediate excision
– Skin Cancer Treatment including cryotherapy and topical treatment
– Biopsies of suspicious lesions
– Excisions including complex skin surgery (grafts and flaps) when needed
– General Dermatology

Graham promotes the principles of biopsy only when clinically indicated and optimal cosmetic outcome in his work.

Away from medicine, Graham has pursued tertiary studies in mathematics, biostatistics and epidemiology and keeps fit by cycling, preferably on one wheel (always using sun protection!).

Our 2024 flu vaccines have arrived!
Please call the practice on 4758 6210 to book in.