Transitioning from Pap Smears to Cervical Screening

The renewed National Cervical Screening Program

From 1 December 2017, cervical screening will change in Australia. The Pap Smear/ Pap Test will be replaced with a new Cervical Screening Test every five years.

Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers. The new Cervical Screening Test is anticipated to protect up to 30% more women.

The test is a quick and simple procedure to check the health of your cervix. It looks and feels the same as the Pap test, but tests for the human papillomavirus (known as HPV).

Your first Cervical Screening Test is due two years after your last Pap test. After that, you will only need to have the test every five years if your results are normal.Regular cervical screening is your best protection against cervical cancer.

Eligible Age Group: The new age group to be tested will be 25 to 74 year olds. In the past the program covered 18 to 69 year olds.

If you are due for testing, contact your healthcare provider to book an appointment.

For more information about the National Cervical Screening Program call 13 15 56.

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